In the current world of automated vehicles (AVs), the primary goal is to achieve high safety, while often sacrificing usability. In particular in urban environments, human intervention is often required to maneuver the AV out of a situation. The reasons for the urban challenges are manifold and include high levels of occlusion and a high degree of uncertainty for the behavior of other traffic participants. To address these challenges, a consortium consisting of Intel Deutschland GmbH (Intel Germany), Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, ANavS GmbH and Lake Fusion Technologies GmbH (LFT) started a joined research project called “SafeADArchitect”. SafeADArchitect will be funded by the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy for 2.5 years, with an official start in November 2020, and an expected end in March 2023. The goal of the “SafeADArchitect” project is to develop new approaches and concepts to improve safety of automated vehicles in urban environments. For this purpose, new methods that enable realtime monitoring and mitigation of risks (e.g. collision risk, risk of control loss, etc.) will be in focus. In this regard, it is a primary goal of “SafeADArchitect” to develop a comprehensive architecture solution including necessary safety layers covering the complete system. This means that not only the main software components of the AV are included in this study, but also the compute hardware itself, the necessary sensors and even the driving platform will be considered. In addition, new ways to facilitate the certification process for functional safety standards such as the ISO-26262 will be investigated. The results of “SafeADArchitect” will help to enable and facilitate the development of safety concepts for future AVs.
SafeADArchitect will research an overall system architecture that takes into account uncertainties and risks at various levels in order to safeguard autonomous vehicles. The architecture thereby includes all components from the vehicle platform to the exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensors, the environment perception and the decision making process through to the vehicle's actuators. Therefore these components are extended to enable a continous risk assessment, monitoring and minimization. The risk assessment also allows for the evaluation of the expected risk of different maneuver options and to make an optimized decision after balancing them against an allowable overall risk. As a result, the autonomous vehicle always acts in a risk-sensitive manner and does not make decisions that exceed a given maximum risk. An independent risk assessment makes it easier to approve new components, since their inputs and outputs are examined for risk. This means that systems can be developed to meet specific requirements for certain scenarios without having to carry out a new overall assessment of safety compliance in each case. The concept is depicted in the figure below.
We’re eager to announce that a new automated vehicle program we contributed to, SafeADArchitect, has been approved for funding through the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Addressing safety concerns in urban environments, the project looks to make automated cities a safer reality than ever.
Autonomes Fahren ist eines der großen Zukunftsthemen. Die Entwicklung macht stetig Fortschritte und immer mehr Prototypen werden im Verkehr getestet. Eine große Herausforderung stellt dabei das Thema Sicherheit dar. Aus diesem Grund will ein Konsortium aus Forschung und Industrie im Projekt SafeADArchitect eine „sichere Architektur für Autonomes Fahren (Automated Driving)“ entwickeln. Ziel des Projekts ist, die Entwicklung von Sicherheitskonzepten für autonome Fahrzeuge voranzutreiben und zu erleichtern.
Workshop chair on Safety of Automated Vehicles together with TU Braunschweig at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2021 (
Paper contribution on IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2021, "RSS+: Pro-Active Risk Mitigation for AV Safety Layers based on RSS", Fabian Oboril and Kay-Ulrich Scholl, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Nagoya, 2021
Paper contribution on IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), "What if? Behavior Estimation by Predicting Traffic Scenes from State Histories", Philip Schörner, Tobias Fleck and J. Marius Zöllner, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Indianapolis, 2021
Keynote speaker on Fourth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (WAISE), "Safety Models for AV Decision Making", Fabian Oboril (
Workshop chair on Safety of Automated Vehicles together with TU Braunschweig at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2022 (
Paper contribution on IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2022, "A Parameter Analysis on RSS in Overtaking Situations on German Highways", Hendrik Königshof, Fabian Oboril, Kay-Ulrich Scholl and Christoph Stiller, Aachen, 2022
Presentation in Workshop on Safety of Automated Vehicles at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2022, "Handling Residual Risk in Traffic Situations With Occluded Road Users”, Bernd Gassmann
Recording runs for the lidar and camera based perception. Point clouds from the lidars and object detections from video stream are projected into the camera image.
Paper contribution on IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), "Safe Perception - A Hierarchical Monitor Approach", Cornelius Buerkle, Fabian Oboril, Johannes Burr, Kay-Ulrich Scholl, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Macau, 2022
Paper contribution on IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), "Towards Multi Modal Risk Assessment", Philip Schörner, Daniel Grimm and J. Marius Zöllner, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 2022
Paper contribution on Institute of Navigation (ION) International Technical Meeting (ITM), "Intersection of Error Ellipsoids from at Least Two Positioning Sensors for Improved Sensor Fusion", Patrick Henkel, Medeea Horvat and Luka Sachße, ION ITM, 2023
Paper contribution on 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), "Lidar-slam using semantic information - how to deal with dynamic objects", Sven Ochs, Philip Schörner, Marc René Zofka, J. Marius Zöllner, 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots, Hawaii, 2023
Paper contribution on IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), "Application of Responsibility-Sensitive Safety in areas with limited visibility: Occlusions in RSS", Ignacio Alvarez, Bernd Gassmann, Shreya Dey, Fabian Oboril, Kay-Ulrich Scholl, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Bilbao, 2023
Paper contribution on IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), "What Can We Learn from Virtual Sensor Models for Self Localization and Mapping for Autonomous Mobile Systems?", Sven Ochs, Tolgahan Percin, Christian Samuelis, Philip Schörner, Marc René Zofka, J. Marius Zöllner, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Bilbao, 2023
If you are interested in the project or have any questions, please contact:
Dr.-Ing. Fabian Oboril
Intel Labs Germany
Emmy-Noether-Str. 9
76131 Karlsruhe